Có công thức mà

các nhà nghiên cứu tìm ra công thức toán để đàn ông đạt được cực khoái... :D

The mathematical formula (công thức toán học) for how men can achieve an orgasm (cực khoái) carries an important message - not to ‘overthink’ it (đừng quá nghĩ nhiều về nó).

Men fail to orgasm around five percent of the time, which can leave them embarrassed and their partner disappointed, especially if a couple are trying to conceive.

To work this out, they take how physically turned on a man is - on a scale of one to 100, for example - and multiply that by the average amount of stimulation provided by sex.

Then the researchers simply subtract a figure which shows how turned on the man is mentally.

...the male equation works because when the three factors it includes are optimal, men’s rate of physical arousal rises rapidly, then rises less rapidly, before plummeting.

That is the trajectory of arousal which all but guarantees an orgasm, based on sex studies.

Tags: sex

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