"Assemblies of God" nghĩa là gì?

"Assemblies of God" = hội chúng của Đức Chúa Trời -> nghĩa là giáo phái Ngũ Tuần lớn nhất nước Mỹ, được thành lập năm 1914 qua sự hợp nhất của 144 nhà thờ Ngũ Tuần khác nhau. 

Ví dụ
According to recent research by pastor (mục sư) Ryan Burge of eight major Protestant denominations (giáo phái), only the Assemblies of God has seen a steady increase in church membership since 1987. Each of the others, mostly denominations that are fully progressive theologically and culturally, are experiencing steady decline. 

Members of the Assemblies of God Church Nigeria, on Thursday, elected a new General Superintendent, to pilot the affairs (công việc) of the church, in the next few years. 

The former Ebonyi governor, who is currently representing (đại diện) Ebonyi North in the Senate, described the retiring Assemblies of God Council officers as great men of God who served the church and humanity with humility, dedication and fear of God.

“Seek and Save,” an initiative of the Assemblies of God, is striving to make an impact across the nation through “a series of collaborative (cộng tác) outreach events to bring hope to communities in America.” 

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