"Campaign finance reform" nghĩa là gì?

"Campaign finance reform" = cải cách tài trợ chiến dịch tranh cử -> nghĩa là phong trào hạn chế số tiền các cá nhân, tổ chức, nhóm lợi ích có thể tài trợ cho ứng cử viên.

Ví dụ
Letter writers urge voters to ask political candidates where they stand on campaign finance reform, discuss gender identity, and advocate (người ủng hộ) for school choice.

Campaign finance reform has also been under the spotlight in recent weeks after former Oregon Secretary of State Shemia Fagan resigned over ethics concerns — stemming from her work as a paid consultant (cố vấn) for La Mota cannabis company as her office oversaw an Oregon Liquor and Cannabis Commission audit of the state’s cannabis industry.

Kafoury believes there’s three pillars needed for campaign finance reform in Oregon, including limiting the amount of money that can be donated (ủng hộ).

For campaign finance reformers, Oregon has been an exercise in frustration for decades, ever since the Oregon Supreme Court in 1997 said the state constitution’s free speech provisions (cung cấp) barred campaign contributions limits.

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