
burger king quảng cáo... kem hình phân :D

Burger King's latest marketing stunt (trò quảng cáo) looks to draw attention (thu hút chú ý) to the chain's artificial ingredient-free dessert menu with an effort centered around an emoji most brands — especially restaurant ones — would usually steer clear of. The push is certainly more out-there than the celebrity-backed Keep It Real Meals Burger King used to highlight the elimination (loại bỏ) of 120 artificial ingredients (nguyên liệu nhân tạo) from its menu, but for a QSR chain known for controversial (gây tranh cãi) campaigns, Poop Emoji Ice Cream makes a blunt (đần độn) point about its menu.
"It's better to look like a poop (cục cớt) on the outside than to be stuffed with lots of bad ingredients on the inside," Rogério Chaves, creative director at David São Paulo, said in a statement.

The Poop Emoji Ice Cream product was created by the same brand and agency that teamed up in 2020 for the Moldy Whopper, an effort that promoted the removal of artificial preservatives (chất bảo quản nhân tạo) with a burger overgrown with blue and green mold (mốc). Unsurprisingly, that campaign received a mixed response (phản hồi lẫn lộn) from consumers, but generated higher attention than the category norms and was widely recognized as one of the best campaigns of the year.

source: marketingdive,
Tags: funnyngoclan

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