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hơn 3 ngày mới ị một lần sẽ khiến... suy giảm nhận thức :D

In the first research to look at constipation’s impact (tác hại của táo bón) on the aging brain (bộ não đang già đi), scientists have found some concerning (đáng lo ngại) links.
Being chronically (kinh niên) constipated, defined by the authors as having a bowel (ruột) movement only every three or more days, has been linked with a 73% higher risk of subjective cognitive (nhận thức) decline, 

“Our study provided first-of-its-kind evidence that examined a wide spectrum (hình ảnh) of bowel movement frequency (tần suất),” “We were surprised at how strong the associations were, especially for those with very infrequent (không đều đặn) bowel movements.”

About 16% of the worldwide adult population experiences constipation, but it’s even more common among older adults due to age-related factors such as lack of exercise (ít vận động) and dietary fiber (chất xơ), and the use of medicines that can cause constipation as a side effect.

Chronic constipation has been linked with inflammation (kích động) and mental disorders such as anxiety  (lo lắng) and depression (trầm cảm), but there have been many unanswered questions about the relationship between digestive (hệ tiêu hóa) health and long-term cognitive function, 

source: cnn,

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