Làm việc từ xa không được sao?

bị kết tội vì... làm hiệu trưởng 2 trường :)

A man has been accused (buộc tội) of working as the principal (hiệu trưởng) of a Providence, Rhode Island school—while simultaneously keeping his former job, as a middle school assistant principal, all the way in Washington, D.C.
The incident (vụ việc) is one example of a broader trend that appeared during the COVID-19 pandemic (đại dịch). As many office workers transitioned to a remote workplace (làm việc từ xa), some seized the opportunity (nắm bắt cơ hội) to juggle (lừa bịp) additional employment, in the form of a second full-time job. However, because many full-time jobs prohibit employees from holding simultaneous (đồng thời) positions elsewhere, these efforts are typically kept secret (giữ bí mật).

According to an August report by Forbes, about 50 percent of survey respondents "said that they've worked for another company, while on the clock with their employer." The movement has even spawned (đẻ ra) Overemployed.com, a site that teaches curious (hiếu kỳ) remote workers how to successfully navigate (định hướng) multiple full-time jobs.

source: newsweek,
Tags: funnyngoclan

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