Nhiều phụ huynh Trung Quốc xem kì nghỉ là cơ hội học hành cho con

nhiều ông bố bà mẹ Trung Quốc đang thật sự nghiêm túc vận dụng câu tục ngữ "trăm nghe không bằng một thấy" 

Shanghai mother Jane Zhou has been sending her two daughters, both still in primary school, to commercial (thương mại) study tours and camps during weekends and school holidays over the past two years. Most recently, the two daughters participated in a tour of the Bund One Art Museum in Shanghai organized by a travel agency.

Seeing her two daughters listening to introductions to the masterpieces (tuyệt tác) of Italian painter Sandro Botticelli, Zhou felt that all her efforts had been worth it.

Zhou is among a growing group of parents in China who are favoring “study tours” for their children when they are not at school. These experiences focus on educational content, and typically involve visits to museums, university campuses, and libraries. They can also be summer camps, including intense (khắc nghiệt) “character-building” (phát triển tính cách) boot camps.

...Driven by parents like Zhou and Liu, demand for study tours has soared (tăng cao) this summer and become lucrative (sinh lời) business for travel agencies and camp organizers. In July, bookings for study tours soared more than thirtyfold (gấp 30 lần) year-on-year (so với năm trước), according to data from online travel agency Trip.com Group. The market is expected to expand 61.6% year-on-year to 146.9 billion yuan ($20.4 billion) this year, according to a report from research agency iiMedia Research. 

source: Sixth Tone,

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