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các nhà khoa học china tìm ra cách làm cốc nhựa từ... tinh dịch cá hồi :D

Scientists have discovered a wholly novel use for semen (tinh dịch) — if you can stomach it.
Researchers at Tianjin University in China have developed a sustainable (bền bỉ), biodegradable (có thể phân hủy sinh học) plastic derived from salmon sperm (tinh dịch cá hồi) and vegetable oil, which might just be the most viable solution yet for the world’s imminent (sắp xảy ra) plastic pollution problem (vấn đề ô nhiễm).

The promising substance was created by extracting strands of DNA from the sperm of salmon — though the stuff could come from just about any living thing — and dissolving the genetic matter in water with ionomers, a type of polymer commonly found in adhesives (chất kết dính), to produce a gel that’s pliable (dễ uốn, nặn) enough to be molded into various forms. The material is then freeze-dried to set the shape.

Their experimentation (thử nghiệm) led to the creation of a rumpled-looking mug, as well as puzzle (mảnh ghép xếp hình) pieces, all made of what they call “DNA-based plastic.”

Both DNA and plastics are made of polymers, which may be naturally occurring or synthetic — the former abundantly available in plants, animals and bacteria, and the latter relying on petroleum oil, a k a fossil fuels.

source: nypost, 

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