Trung Quốc cân nhắc thu hồi bằng cấp nếu sinh viên gian lận bằng AI

dự thảo luật cập nhật cho phép thu hồi bằng cấp của sinh viên nếu bị phát hiện sử dụng AI trong việc viết luận văn.


Authorities in China are proposing to revoke (thu hồi) students’ diplomas if they use artificial intelligence tools to help write their dissertations (luận văn), in response to growing concerns over academic fraud (gian lận) as AI becomes more popular in the country. 

The move is the latest regulatory effort to rein (kiểm soát) in the emerging technology, after China’s first-ever rules governing generative AI came into effect earlier this month. 

An updated draft law on academic degrees introduced on Monday includes a ban on “using artificial intelligence to write dissertations,” according to state broadcaster (đài truyền hình trung ương) CCTV.

The provision (điều khoản) was not included in a list of offenses (vi phạm) punishable by the revoking of a degree in a previous version of the draft law released in 2021, which included plagiarism (đạo văn) and data fraud (gian lận dữ liệu). The full text of the updated draft law (dự thảo luật) is yet to be released. 

China’s regulations (quy định) on academic degrees lay out standards, including the requirements and procedures (thủ tục), for obtaining a higher education degree. The regulations are seeing their first major update since their introduction in 1980, with the updated draft law submitted to the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, China’s parliament, on Thursday. 

The draft law will now be deliberated (thảo luận kỹ) during a five-day session until Sept. 1. In China, legislative proposals (đề xuất luật) usually undergo (trải qua) three rounds of deliberations before being voted on.

source: Sixth Tone,

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