Modi muốn Ấn Độ là cường quốc sản xuất chip. Làm được không?

dành số tiền 10 tỷ usd trợ cấp 50-70% bất kỳ khoản đầu tư nào của công ty nào,

xây dựng thành phố chip bán dẫn ở Dholera (to bằng Singapore), Gujarat (bang nhà của thủ tướng),

thu hút khoảng 300 chuyên gia về chip ở đông á và châu âu tới đây (lương x3 hiện tại...)
In his office in New Delhi, Ashwini Vaishnaw, the Indian minister of electronics and information technology (công nghệ thông tin), keeps a 12-inch disc of silicon semiconductor on the wall, gleaming (sáng loáng) like a platinum record beside a portrait of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Its circuits (mạch), measured in nanometers and invisible to the human eye (vô hình đối với mắt người), may be the most sophisticated (phức tạp) objects ever made. It vies with oil as one of most valuable traded goods on earth.

According to India’s government, the microprocessor chips that power all things digital will soon be fully made in India. It’s an ambition as unlikely as it is bold, and speaks volumes about Mr. Modi’s belief that he can propel India into the top tier of advanced technology manufacturing.

In July, a legion (nhóm) of fawning (xu nịnh) foreign businessmen lined up onstage behind Mr. Modi in his home state of Gujarat. About $10 billion in subsidies (tiền trợ cấp) are at stake, ready to fund 50 percent or even 70 percent of any company’s outlay (chi phí, chi tiêu). Anil Agarwal, the chairman of Vedanta, a British mining and metals group, told reporters to expect “Vedanta made-in-India chips” by 2025.

They have set their sights on a barren plain in Gujarat, Dholera (DOE-lay-rah), designated the future home of India’s first “semicon city.” It’s the size of Singapore.

...Since 2020 Mr. Modi has used “production-linked incentives” — the more you make, the bigger your government handout — to persuade mobile phone manufacturers to assemble more units in India than in any other country but China.

...The Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, founded in 1987 by the chip legend Morris Chang, has been struggling to help America get its own fabrication plants or “fabs” going in Arizona, with help from President Biden’s subsidy-infused CHIPS Act.

...Mr. Reed, a natural leader with a genial (vui tính; tốt bụng) manner, intends to use his connections within the tightknit chip-making community. His assignment: Lure about 300 foreign specialists from fabs in East Asia and Europe to come and live in rural Gujarat and build a complex from scratch (xây dựng khu phức hợp từ con số 0). He is having to offer his new hires three times (“3x,” he says quietly) their current salaries. They will be “mirrored” by an equal number of Indian staff, who will eventually (cuối cùng) take the reins (nắm quyền).

...Micron Technology, a memory-chip firm based in Boise, Idaho, has committed $2.7 billion to another industrial site in Gujarat, 60 miles from Dholera. It is supposed to become a locus for ATMP work, chip jargon for “assembly, testing, marking and packaging.” These are the advanced processes integral to making modern chips powerful.

source: nytimes,


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