Tàu ồn vì trẻ nhỏ?

xung đột giữa các hành khách về việc trẻ con khóc và quấy phá ngày càng phổ biến đang gây áp lực lên các bậc cha mẹ và tiếp viên tàu.


[...] In the past year, train attendant (tiếp viên tàu) Ning has noticed an increase in noise complaints (phàn nàn về tiếng ồn), with children and the elderly the main targets. But according to her observation (quan sát), the environment in the carriages (toa tàu) has not changed much from before the COVID-19 pandemic.

Some noises can be truly disruptive (gây phiền), she says. For example, groups of seniors (người già) are not only much louder than children but also less willing to accept feedback. In Ning’s opinion, though, most complaints about noise are blown out of proportion. Once, a woman in the second row complained about two elderly people chatting six rows back. When she investigated, Ning found that they were speaking at a normal volume, but to avoid a negative employee performance review, she had to go and talk to them anyway.

Right now, there is no uniform standard on how to define noise in the carriage of a moving high-speed train. “Noise is determined (xác định) according to a passenger’s own subjective perception (nhận thức chủ quan),” says Ning.

[...] Ning has also felt a shift in passengers’ demands. In the early years, the train was merely a transportation tool, but people now want more than speed — they want a pleasant environment and good service. [...] The subjective nature of noise, the collision (xung đột) of different needs and demands, and the characteristics (đặc điểm) of this new generation of passengers have all contributed to the escalation (leo thang) of noise-related conflicts. Ning hopes that the introduction of dedicated carriages (toa dành riêng) for seniors and parents with young children might solve the dilemma (tình thế tiến thoái lưỡng nan).

source: Sixth Tone,

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