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ở san francisco, xe không người lái bị tắc ở bê tông còn ướt... :)

chỉ vài ngày sau khi nhà chức trách thống nhất mở rộng dịch vụ taxi không người lái...
Driverless vehicles (xe không người lái) promise a future (hứa hẹn một tương lai) with less congestion (sự tắc nghẽn) and pollution (ô nhiễm), fewer accidents (tai nạn) resulting from human error (lỗi do con người) and better mobility (di động) for people with disabilities (khuyết tật), supporters say.

But every now and then, one of the cars runs into trouble in a way that casts a bit of doubt (gây ra một chút nghi ngờ) on that bold vision (tầm nhìn táo bạo).

So it was on Tuesday in San Francisco, where a driverless car somehow drove into a city paving project (dự án lát đường) and got stuck in wet concrete (bê tông ướt).

Paul Harvey, 74, a retired contractor (nhà thầu đã nghỉ hưu) who lives in the city’s Western Addition neighborhood, took a photo of the car with roof-mounted sensors, tipped slightly forward, its front wheels mired in the freshly poured (mới đổ) concrete.

“I thought it was funny,” Mr. Harvey said in an interview on Wednesday. “I was kind of pleased because it illustrated (minh họa) how creepy (rùng rợn) and weird the whole thing is to me.”

The incident, previously reported by, happened just days after California regulators (cơ quan quản lý) agreed to expand driverless taxi services in San Francisco, despite the safety concerns (lo ngại về sự an toàn) of local officials and community activists.

source: dnyuz,

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