Sinh viên tốt nghiệp đại học Trung Quốc đổ xô đi làm shipper

theo bài phân tích về các tin tuyển dụng và CV được đăng trên trang web tìm việc hàng đầu, nhu cầu tìm “việc làm linh hoạt” như lái xe giao hàng và livestream ngày càng tăng ngay cả khi nguồn cung công việc này giảm sau đại dịch. 


More job seekers in China, including many with university degrees, are seeking out “flexible employment” in China’s gig economy (nền kinh tế truy cập), according to a new report released Monday.  

The report, published by leading recruitment platform (nền tảng tuyển dụng) Zhilian Zhaopin and Jinan University, found that demand for gig work increased in the first quarter of this year even as the proportion of such jobs has steadily shrunk (giảm) since the height of the pandemic. 

Based on analysis of job postings and résumé (sơ yếu lý lịch) submissions on Zhilian Zhaopin’s website from January 2018 to May this year, the report focuses on gig work in China’s digital economy (nền kinh tế kỹ thuật số), including delivery driving and livestreaming.

Offering flexible working hours and low barriers (rào cản) to entry, such jobs became hugely popular during the pandemic as traditional industries suffered from lockdowns and restrictions. 

However, while such jobs have shrunk as a proportion of all vacancies (vị trí trống) in the first quarter of this year following the lifting of pandemic restrictions, the proportion of people seeking such jobs has rebounded from 21.4% at the end of last year to 23.2% in the first quarter of this year. 

source: Sixth Tone,

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