"Tôn sư biếu lễ" gây tranh cãi ở Trung Quốc

phụ huynh vẫn tặng quà cho giáo viên bất chấp các quy định cấm. Trên mạng xã hội, nhiều người cho rằng những cử chỉ đơn giản sẽ có ý nghĩa sâu sắc hơn.


A school in northern China’s Shanxi province is investigating (điều tra) an incident where a students’ parent committee (hội phụ huynh) at a middle school class pooled 5,000 yuan ($689) to buy gifts for teachers in celebration of China’s Teachers’ Day, which took place Sunday. 

The incident has ignited (kích động) public debate over the increasingly controversial (gây tranh cãi) trend of giving teachers lavish (xa hoa) gifts, despite longstanding regulations prohibiting such gestures.

According to a report in the Beijing News, 5,000 yuan was used to buy five sets of cosmetics (mỹ phẩm) for female teachers, two sets of Parker pens for male teachers, and seven bunches of flowers for  both male and female teachers. A screenshot from a parent revealed (tiết lộ) a WeChat group chat set up specifically for preparing the gifts. 

Following an outcry (phản đối kịch liệt) on social media, school authorities told the Beijing News, “The school explicitly (rõ ràng) prohibits teachers from accepting gifts. If it’s true, it must have been organized by parents, and teachers wouldn’t have accepted the gifts.” Expressing concern, the local education bureau also said that it has requested the school to investigate the incident.

source: Sixth Tone,

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