Wechat xóa nhòa ranh giới công - tư

ứng dụng "tất cả trong 1" này được sử dụng khắp nơi, ở mọi văn phòng trên khắp Trung Quốc, khiến phụ nữ khó tách biệt công việc và cuộc sống cá nhân hơn.

For many female professionals (chuyên gia), WeChat has emerged as a sore (đau nhức) spot, in part for how it’s taking over their professional as well as personal lives. Imagine if you mixed all of your Slack, Discord, Microsoft Teams, and Facebook contacts into a single app — then gave them all access to your primary social media feed. That’s the norm (chuẩn mực xã hội) for many China’s white-collar workers (nhân viên văn phòng): Although WeChat began as a purely (thuần túy) social app, it is now used widely in Chinese offices, blurring (xóa nhòa) the boundaries (ranh giới) between colleague (đồng nghiệp) and friend in ways many women find uncomfortable.

The problem is especially acute (gay gắt) for women in male-dominated (nam giới chiếm ưu thế) industries like IT, where they are often stigmatized (bêu xấu) as less capable than men. But male-centric (lấy nam giới làm trung tâm) norms persist (tồn tại) even in industries dominated by women. For example, in professions such as nursing, education, and housekeeping, saying that a woman works “like a man” is considered a compliment, and is equated with being tough and emotionally stable, and even having leadership potential (tiềm năng lãnh đạo).

As part of an academic study on women’s experiences of WeChat in the workplace, Tian Xiaoli of the University of Hong Kong and I interviewed 48 professional women about how they used the app. We found they respond to these biases (thiên kiến) by curating their online personas and bringing them in line with their professional ones. Just as women were once required to dress in certain ways, now more and more women are adopting gendered online personas (cá tính) to placate (xoa dịu) their colleagues and supervisors (giám sát viên).

[...] The intersection (sự giao nhau) of gender norms and social media can also lead to more serious problems. Some of the women we interviewed acknowledged receiving messages from colleagues or supervisors on WeChat of an implied (nám chỉ) or overt (công khai) sexual nature. As a passive coping mechanism (cơ chế đối phó), most women choose to ignore such messages and not make a fuss (làm ầm ĩ). They often delete or block sexually explicit messages or images, but do not confront their harassers and ask them to cease (dừng lại).

source: Sixth Tone, 

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