Hậu Covid, Trung Quốc gia tăng ảnh hưởng đến Lào

tuyến đường sắt mới trị giá 5,5 tỷ USD đang thu hút làn sóng đầu tư từ Trung Quốc vào thủ đô Viêng Chăn của Lào.


The building is the main terminus (điểm cuối) of the recently opened Laos-China Railway — a 40 billion yuan ($5.5 billion) project that aims to transform (chuyển đổi) this remote, landlocked country by plugging it into China’s Belt and Road Initiative (Sáng kiến Vành đai Con đường).

The 1,000-kilometer line — which runs from Vientiane through the mountains of northern Laos to the southwestern Chinese city of Kunming — will allow goods and passengers (hành khách) to travel between China and the Lao capital in just a few hours. 

For Laos, the hope is that the project will be a game-changer for its economy, making it easier to boost trade, tourism, and foreign investment (đầu tư nước ngoài). If things go to plan, the World Bank estimates that the railway could boost income levels (mức thu nhập) in the country by over 20%.

source: Sixth Tone,

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