Cho vào thì làm sao an toàn cho các vũ nữ

bị từ chối không được vào hộp đêm Necto, nam thanh niên 19 tuổi cắn dái bảo vệ...
A teen was taken into custody (bắt giam) in Ann Arbor Saturday (Aug. 26) after he reportedly bit a nightclub employee’s testicles (hòn dái, tinh hoàn).
According to authorities, Gino Hearn, a 19-year-old from Detroit, reportedly punched (đấm) a Necto employee in the face after he was denied entrance (từ chối cho vào) just before midnight. When police placed the man in handcuffs (còng tay), he reportedly resisted and caused injuries to a police officer’s fingers.

Police said two employees were bitten by the man, including a 20-year-old who was taken to the hospital for treatment (điều trị). The employee reportedly told police the suspect grabbed his testicles and bit them.

Hearn was charged Monday (Aug. 28) with one count of resist/assault police officer causing injury, two counts of resist/assault police officer, one count of aggravated assault and two counts of simple assault. He was given a $25,000 cash bond (tiền bảo lãnh).

source: clickondetroit,

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