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các nhà khoa học phát hiện ra phốt phin ở sao Kim, có thể có nguồn gốc sinh học, nhưng không chắc, và phải đưa tàu vũ trụ lên hành tinh này mới biết được,

đã có Rocket Lab - công ty khởi nghiệp ở New Zealand, phóng các vệ tinh cho các công ty tư nhân, NASA và quân đội Mỹ, chi phí khoảng chục triệu usd...

On Monday, scientists announced the astonishing discovery (khám phá đáng kinh ngạc) of phosphine in the atmosphere of Venus. This chemical could have been produced by a biological source, but scientists won’t know for sure without sending a spacecraft to the planet (gửi tàu vũ trụ đến hành tinh).

As luck would have it, Rocket Lab, the private small rocket (tên lửa) company founded in New Zealand, has been working on such a mission (nhiệm vụ). The company has developed a small satellite (vệ tinh), called Photon, that it plans to launch on its own Electron rocket as soon as 2023.

“This mission is to go and see if we can find life,” said Peter Beck, Rocket Lab’s founder and chief executive. “Obviously, this discovery of phosphine really adds strength to that possibility. So I think we need to go and have a look there.”

Rocket Lab has launched a dozen rockets to space, putting small satellites into orbit for private companies, NASA and the U.S. military. It also has a mission to the moon in the works with NASA, called CAPSTONE, scheduled to launch in early 2021.

…The company’s plan is to develop the mission in-house and mostly self-fund it, at a cost in the tens of millions of dollars.

source: nytimes,

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