Ảnh đại diện kỳ quặc cho thấy giới trẻ Trung Quốc đang kiệt sức

ảnh đại diện đặt hình meme và anime trở thành nơi bày tỏ thất vọng và phản kháng tinh tế trước áp lực của văn hóa làm việc của giới trẻ Trung Quốc.


From a frowning (cau mày, nhăn mặt) bear to a squished (đè bẹp) face, and from a googly-eyed (đôi mắt hoạt hình to tròn) cartoon character to a wild-haired (tóc bù xù) monkey, an increasing number of young Chinese workers are adopting quirky (kỳ quặc) characters as their profile photos on messaging apps. 

Their goal? To subtly (tinh tế) convey fatigue (sự mệt mỏi) to their bosses in the hope of easing their work burdens (gánh nặng công việc). This new expression of weariness (kiệt sức) serves as both a relief valve for their grievances (bất bình) and a form of pushback (phản kháng) against a demanding (khắt khe) work culture.

The trend can be traced back to a viral post on the lifestyle platform Xiaohongshu in July. The post sought recommendations for profile photos that may help managers understand how exhausted they feel. The topic swiftly (nhanh chóng) gained traction as netizens flooded the platform with suggestions of characters from films, TV shows, and cartoons, each aligning with this offbeat (khác thường) objective.

[...] The quirky profile pictures appear tied to the tang ping (xu hướng mặc kệ đời), or “lying flat” culture, which resonates (cộng hưởng) with a segment of the generation feeling overwhelmed by societal competition and uncertainties. Though this form of passive resistance (sự chống cự) to the rigors (sự khắc nghiệt) of modern work culture surfaces in understated ways, critics interpret it as a decline in ambition and determination (quyết tâm).

source: Sixth Tone,

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