Thái Lan tranh luận cách ngăn chặn bạo lực súng đạn

tỷ lệ sở hữu súng (7,2 triệu) và chết vì súng đạn cao nhất đông nam á,

đất nước phật giáo sao lại thế này?
Thailand is in the grip of (trong tình trạng) soul-searching (tự vấn lương tâm) over its gun culture (văn hóa súng đạn) after the deadly shooting (xả súng chết người) Tuesday by a 14-year-old at the Siam Paragon mall in Bangkok.

The tragedy (thảm kịch), which left two people dead and five injured, was Thailand’s third high-profile shooting spree (vụ xả súng) in nearly four years. The nation has one of the highest rates of gun ownership (sở hữu súng) and gun homicide (giết người bằng súng) in Southeast Asia.

Thailand has strict laws (luật nghiêm ngặt) intended to regulate the millions of firearms in circulation, but the head of a risk-assessment firm told The Times that a lack of enforcement makes regulation “nonexistent.”

State officials and law enforcement officers can buy an unlimited number of guns from the government at a steep discount (mức chiết khấu sâu), leading to a thriving black market (thị trường chợ đen phát triển mạnh). Of Thailand’s 7.2 million privately owed guns, only six million are registered.

source: nytimes,

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