Khoa học chậm phát triển khổ thế đấy

khoảng 4.000 năm trước ở ai cập cổ đại, để tránh thai, phụ nữ nhét phân cá sấu vào âm đạo...
Around 4,000 years ago in Ancient Egypt, women were shoving crocodile turds up their vaginas (nhét phân cá sấu vào âm đạo) in a bid to keep babies at bay (tránh thai). Shocking? Yes. Upsetting? A bit. Laughable? Well, no. Not really. To be clear, this tactic (mẹo, phương pháp) is far from advisable compared to modern-day options. Even so, it’s quite reasonable to suspect this horrifying method (biện pháp kinh hãi) sorta kinda probably worked.
The poo in question would have served as a physical barrier (rào cản vật lý) between the vagina and the cervix (cổ tử cung), which would have prevented (ngăn chặn) some if not all sperm (tinh trùng) from meeting an egg. In fact, the moldable nature of a somewhat dried turd may have allowed for a more comfortable and effective barrier than a ready-made, hard object, such as a piece of wood or metal. We also know that, at least in some cases, ancient Egyptians were not relying on dung alone. They—smartly!—mixed honey (we now know this is a powerful antimicrobial agent, which would have helped keep this contraceptive (biện pháp tránh thai) from causing gnarly (nguy hiểm) infections) with ground-up acacia leaves (these produce the known spermicide lactic acid, which is one of Phexxi’s active ingredients). It sounds awful. But, by god, it makes sense.

While we don’t know for sure how well such a concoction (pha chế) would have worked, the basic recipe of a physical barrier and a sperm-killing additive is a classic combo, found again and again across the ancient world. The Talmud references women using sponges soaked in vinegar: this, like the Egyptian version, would have provided a cervical barrier, while also making the vaginal pH less hospitable to sperm. Other cultures in antiquity used various toxic substances like lead, mixed with oil and honey, or ghee along with rock salt. Elephant dung made at least one appearance. Now, to my knowledge, no one has put these to the test in a modern experimental setting, for reasons I hope are obvious. But the mechanics make sense.

source: popsci,

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