Bạo lực học đường là đây chứ đâu

nghiên cứu cho thấy, cho đến nay, sinh viên Oxford là nhóm bạo lực nhất, về mặt chuyên môn và xã hội trong ba thành phố (so với London và York) từ thời Trung Cổ tới nay,


The research suggests that Oxford’s student population was by far the most lethally (chí tử) violent social or professional group in any of the three cities.

The team behind the Medieval Murder Maps – a digital resource that plots crime scenes based on translated investigations (điều tra) from 700-year-old coroners’ inquests (biên bản điều tra về một vụ chết bất thường) – estimate the per capita homicide (vụ giết người) rate in Oxford to have been 4-5 times higher than late medieval London or York.

Among Oxford perpetrators (thủ phạm) with a known background, 75% were identified by the coroner as “clericus” (giáo sĩ), as were 72% of all Oxford’s homicide victims. During this period, clericus is most likely to refer to a student or member of the early university.

“A medieval university city such as Oxford had a deadly mix of conditions,” said Prof Manuel Eisner, murder map investigator and Director of Cambridge’s Institute of Criminology.

“Oxford students were all male and typically aged between fourteen and twenty-one, the peak (đỉnh điểm) for violence and risk-taking. These were young men freed from tight controls of family, parish (xứ đạo) or guild (phường hội), and thrust into an environment full of weapons, with ample access to alehouses (quán bia) and sex workers.”

from University of Cambridge,

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