7 điều các chủ DNNVV nên làm vào cuối năm

1. Make any major purchases
(mua sắm lớn, đưa vào chi phí của năm nay)

The end of the calendar year means that tax time is just around the corner. It's time to think about squeezing (nặn ra, cố ép ra) in any major business purchases before the year ends so that those expenses (chi phí) can be claimed on this year's taxes without waiting until next year's income tax filing to claim them as write-offs and lower your taxable income. Don't wait to make those purchases when you could reap the benefits (thu được lợi ích) of lowering your taxable income (giảm thu nhập chịu thuế) for April's income tax return.

Does your business need updated equipment (thiết bị), supplies (vật tư) or products? Do you need to pay that insurance (bảo hiểm) premium? Ready to upgrade your software (nâng cấp phần mềm), subscriptions and memberships? Maybe your business needs professional services (dịch vụ chuyên nghiệp) from an attorney (luật sư), bookkeeper (kế toán) or contractor (nhà thầu). Now is a great time to make those purchases, which will result in lowering your taxable income.

2. Get your bookkeeping up to date and schedule tax appointments
(rà soát sổ sách kế toán, hóa đơn, chứng từ & hẹn quyết toán thuế)

3. Plan a bookkeeping method for next year
(lên kế hoạch phương thức kế toán cho năm mới)

While reviewing your year's financial records (hồ sơ tài chính), you may find it time for a change. Hiring a professional (chuyên gia) to handle your bookkeeping is always a good choice, and if you are ready to outsource (thuê ngoài) this complicated task (công việc phức tạp) to a tax pro, you will want to plan and select your bookkeeper before the new year begins so that they can start fresh with you at the start of the new year without playing catch up on your financial records. Memberships, professional fees and new accounting software fees are all tax deductible (được giảm thuế), so if you can pay in advance, you can add them to your tax deductions for this year.

4. Plan your goals
(lên kế hoạch các mục tiêu lớn, nhỏ cho năm tới)

Plan next year's short-term and long-term goals to break your larger goals into smaller, actionable steps (bước hành động) you will need to plan ahead. What are the next big steps for your business growth? What will be the next steps to create a sustainable, profitable business? What tasks can you outsource or hire for in order to give you more time to grow your business? How can you continue building a life you love while providing others with a valuable product or service?

Start by auditing the current state of your business and then think about where you would like to be at the end of next year. What goals are needed to get to that point? Next, break those goals into smaller steps and create a plan of smaller goals for each month of next year. When we start the year with smaller, actionable goals that seem easier to reach, we can stay consistent in taking those smaller steps that add up to big changes over time. Knowing these micro goals in advance helps us to plan the tools we need to help us achieve them.

5. Plan your business entity and tax election changes
(dự định thay đổi loại hình công ty)

6. Cancel any unused memberships and subscriptions
(hủy các đăng ký thuê bao không cần thiết)

7. Last but not least — celebrate yourself!
(tự thưởng cho bản thân)

cho thành quả của một năm thành công hoặc cho những nỗ lực đã vượt qua được một năm khó khăn... 

source: entrepreneur

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