A.I. bây giờ thuộc về "bọn tư bản" - phần 2

Many were affiliated (liên kết) with philosophical (triết học) groups like the Effective Altruists, a movement (phong trào) that uses data and rationality (tính hợp lý) to make moral decisions (quyết định đạo đức), and were persuaded to work in A.I. out of a desire to minimize the technology’s destructive effects (tác động tàn phá).

This was the vibe (sự rung cảm) around A.I. in 2015, when OpenAI was formed as a nonprofit, and it helps explain why the organization kept its convoluted (phức tạp) governance structure (cấu trúc quản trị) — which gave the nonprofit board the ability to control the company’s operations and replace its leadership — even after it started a for-profit arm in 2019. At the time, protecting A.I. from the forces of capitalism (chủ nghĩa tư bản) was viewed by many in the industry as a top priority, one that needed to be enshrined (ghi rõ) in corporate bylaws (nội quy công ty) and charter (điều lệ) documents.

But a lot has changed since 2019. Powerful A.I. is no longer just a thought experiment — it exists inside real products, like ChatGPT, that are used by millions of people every day. The world’s biggest tech companies are racing to build even more powerful systems. And billions of dollars are being spent to build and deploy A.I. inside businesses, with the hope of reducing labor costs and increasing productivity.

... perhaps what happened at OpenAI — a triumph (chiến thắng) of corporate interests (lợi ích doanh nghiệp) over worries about the future (lo lắng về tương lai) — was inevitable (không thể tránh khỏi), given A.I.’s increasing importance. A technology potentially capable of ushering (mở ra) in a Fourth Industrial Revolution was unlikely to be governed over the long term by those who wanted to slow it down — not when so much money was at stake (có quá nhiều tiền đang bị đe dọa).

source: nytimes,

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