Máy bay không người lái sát thủ do trí tuệ nhân tạo điều khiển đã trở thành hiện thực, các nước tranh luận việc giới hạn chúng

lo ngại về rủi ro của chiến tranh robot, một số quốc gia muốn có những ràng buộc pháp lý mới, nhưng Mỹ và các cường quốc khác lại phản đối...
It seems like something out of science fiction (khoa học viễn tưởng): swarms (bầy) of killer robots that hunt (săn lùng) down targets (mục tiêu) on their own and are capable of flying in for the kill without any human signing off.

But it is approaching reality as the United States, China and a handful of other nations make rapid progress (tiến bộ nhanh chóng) in developing and deploying (triển khai) new technology that has the potential to reshape (định hình lại) the nature of warfare (bản chất của chiến tranh) by turning life and death decisions (quyết định sinh tử) over to autonomous drones equipped with artificial intelligence (trí tuệ nhân tạo) programs.

That prospect is so worrying to many other governments that they are trying to focus attention on it with proposals at the United Nations to impose legally binding rules on the use of what militaries call lethal (gây chết người) autonomous weapons.

“This is really one of the most significant inflection points (bước ngoặt) for humanity,” Alexander Kmentt, Austria’s chief negotiator on the issue, said in an interview. “What’s the role of human beings in the use of force — it’s an absolutely fundamental security issue (vấn đề bảo mật hoàn toàn cơ bản), a legal issue and an ethical issue.”

... The Pentagon policy prohibits the use of any new autonomous weapon or even the development of them unless they have been approved by top Defense Department officials. Such weapons must be operated (vận hành) in a defined geographic area (khu vực địa lý xác định) for limited periods. And if the weapons are controlled by A.I., military personnel must retain “the ability to disengage (ngắt kết nối) or deactivate (hủy kích hoạt) deployed systems that demonstrate unintended (ngoài ý muốn) behavior.”

source: nytimes,

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