Đức tài trợ 16 tỷ USD giải cứu Siemens Energy cho các dự án năng lượng sạch

The German government has agreed to extend loan guarantees (bảo lãnh khoản vay) for Siemens Energy, a major manufacturer (nhà sản xuất) of wind farms (trang trại điện gió) based in Munich, as part of a financial package (gói tài chính) worth 15 billion euros, or $16.2 billion, aimed at helping the ailing company (công ty ốm yếu) continue to participate in large renewable energy projects (dự án năng lượng tái tạo).

Germany’s economy ministry said Tuesday that it would provide €7.5 billion in loan guarantees, with private banks and other stakeholders (người có liên quan) also participating in the deal. Under the agreement, Siemens Energy will not be allowed to pay out any dividends (khoản cổ tức) or higher-level bonuses, the ministry said.

... Siemens Energy is a key player in Germany’s energy transition and employs some 26,000 people in the country. Last week, Chancellor Olaf Scholz of Germany opened Siemens Energy’s new factory in Berlin, where together with a French company, Air Liquide, it will produce green hydrogen.

The company’s difficulties have served as a warning that financial problems weighing on makers of renewable energy equipment could be growing more severe. These businesses are integral (không thể thiếu) to helping economies shift to cleaner energy, but many are struggling (khó khăn) to find the investment funds needed to build the factories and hire the skilled employees needed to meet the ambitious climate goals (mục tiêu chống biến đổi khí hậu đầy tham vọng) of governments.

Siemens Energy is the parent company of Siemens Gamesa, one of the world’s leading wind turbine makers. This subsidiary, which has large operations in Denmark and Spain, has run into major problems with some of the turbines it supplies, including failures of the massive blades (cánh quạt). These issues have led to huge projected repair costs (chi phí sửa chữa) that could last for years.

Like other renewable equipment makers, Siemens Gamesa agreed to deals on wind turbines years ago at prices that will result in losses because of high inflation (lạm phát cao).

This month, Denmark’s Orsted scrapped (hủy bỏ) plans to build two wind farms off the coast of New Jersey, forcing it to write off as much as $5.6 billion. The retreat of the world’s largest offshore wind developer could be a major setback to the renewable energy ambitions of the United States.

source: nytimes,

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