Kế hoạch của Google nhằm ngăn chặn Apple phát triển công nghệ tìm kiếm

từ nhiều năm nay, Google e ngại rằng một ngày nào đó Apple sẽ mở rộng công nghệ tìm kiếm trên internet và đang tìm mọi cách để ngăn chặn điều đó xảy ra...
For years, Google watched with increasing concern (quan tâm, e ngại, lo lắng) as Apple improved its search technology, not knowing whether its longtime partner (đối tác lâu năm) and sometimes competitor (đối thủ cạnh tranh) would eventually build its own search engine.

Those fears ratcheted up (tăng lên) in 2021, when Google paid Apple around $18 billion to keep Google’s search engine the default selection (lựa chọn mặc định) on iPhones. The same year, Apple’s iPhone search tool, Spotlight, began showing users richer web results like those they could have found on Google.

Google quietly planned to put a lid on (che đậy, kìm hãm) Apple’s search ambitions (tham vọng). The company looked for ways to undercut (cắt giảm) Spotlight by producing its own version for iPhones and to persuade more iPhone users to use Google’s Chrome web browser instead of Apple’s Safari browser,

... Under the act, the European Union is forcing large tech companies designated (được chỉ định) as “gatekeepers” to open their platforms (nền tảng) to competitors by March, giving users a choice of which service to use, and to stop favoring their own services on their platforms.

The law is expected to force Apple to allow customers in the European Union to download rival app stores. Users setting up a new Apple device in Europe could also be presented with an option to select a default browser other than Safari.

Google executives figured that if users had to make a choice, the number of European iPhone users who selected Chrome could triple,

Google and Apple have had a search engine partnership for Safari since 2002, half a decade before the iPhone’s debut.

Apple poached (chiêu mộ) a powerful Google search executive, John Giannandrea, in 2018, and expanded its teams of search employees as it built a more capable Spotlight system.

source: nytimes,

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