Cái bóng dài của Steve Jobs phủ bóng lên sự hỗn loạn tại OpenAI

Sam Altman, người quảng bá nổi bật nhất về trí tuệ nhân tạo, đã hiểu được rằng thật khó để trở thành một nhà sáng lập có tầm nhìn xa trông rộng như huyền thoại Apple...
Steve Jobs, driven by his genius (thiên tài) and his gut (lòng can đảm), invented (phát minh) the iPhone and built Apple into the world’s most valuable company (công ty có giá trị nhất thế giới). He was uncompromising (không khoan nhượng), larger than life (hơn đời) and irreplaceable (không thể thay thế). His life was creating the future, which would be filled with devices controlled by their users.

Sam Altman spent the last year taking on the mantle (vai trò) of Mr. Jobs as the Silicon Valley entrepreneur in charge of tomorrow. It is the biggest job in Silicon Valley, and now the most difficult. As more people worry they will be controlled rather than in control, the future is fraught with danger (tương lai đầy nguy hiểm).

Until Friday, Mr. Altman was the chief executive of OpenAI, the dominant (thống trị) artificial intelligence company. He promised A.I. would usher in (mở ra) humanity’s first golden age (thời kỳ hoàng kim) even though it came from the same kind of inventors who thought there was a market for internet-connected toasters.

Mr. Altman’s vague (mơ hồ) but vast ambitions (tham vọng to lớn) got him in trouble with the board of OpenAI, which said he was “not consistently candid (không nhất quán thẳng thắn)” in his communications and fired him.

... The attempt at a reinstatement (phục hồi) apparently failed — this is an ongoing saga (câu chuyện dài kỳ) — but the last few days deepened the parallels to Mr. Jobs, who was marginalized (gạt ra bên lề) by the board of Apple in 1985. Apple was faltering, and Mr. Jobs was not exactly a model employee. He left the company of which he was a founder and the personal computer industry he championed.

Eleven years later, with Apple even worse off, Mr. Jobs returned. It was the greatest second act in American business history. Apple is now worth $3 trillion.

source: nytimes,

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