Uber và Lyft đồng ý trả 328 triệu USD cho tài xế ở New York

các công ty chia sẻ chuyến đi cũng sẽ cho những người lao động hợp đồng nghỉ ốm và được trả mức lương tối thiểu...
Uber and Lyft have agreed to pay New York drivers a $328 million settlement (khoản bồi thường) after the state (bang) attorney general (tổng trưởng lý) investigated (điều tra) a wage-theft (trộm cắp tiền lương) complaint (khiếu nại) charging that the companies collected certain taxes and fees from drivers rather than passengers.

Uber will pay $290 million and Lyft will provide $38 million into two funds that will payout claims that roughly 100,000 current and former drivers in New York State are eligible (đủ điều kiện) to file. The ride-hailing companies did not admit fault (thừa nhận lỗi) in the settlement.

The investigation by the office of the attorney general, Letitia James, also looked into whether the companies failed to provide drivers with paid sick leave (nghỉ ốm) available to employees in the state.

...Under the settlement, drivers will earn one hour of sick pay for every 30 hours worked, up to a maximum of 56 hours per year. Uber and Lyft will also make updates to their apps to allow drivers to request (yêu cầu) sick leave through the apps.

Drivers outside the city will also be entitled to (được quyền) guaranteed (đảm bảo) minimum pay of $26 per hour, though that figure only counts the time between dispatch and completion of a ride.

source: nytimes,

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