Các cựu giám đốc của Outcome Health bị kết án vì âm mưu lừa đảo doanh nghiệp trị giá 1 tỷ USD

bồi thẩm đoàn liên bang kết án ba cựu giám đốc của Outcome Health -- công ty khởi nghiệp về công nghệ y tế có trụ sở tại Chicago, vì vai trò của họ trong kế hoạch lừa đảo nhắm vào khách hàng, người cho vay và nhà đầu tư của công ty và liên quan đến khoảng 1 tỷ USD tiền thu được từ gian lận...


Outcome installed television screens and tablets in doctors’ offices (lắp đặt màn hình tivi và máy tính bảng tại phòng khám của bác sĩ) around the United States and then sold advertising space (không gian quảng cáo) on those devices to clients, most of whom were pharmaceutical (dược) companies. According to evidence (bằng chứng) presented at trial, Shah, Agarwal, and Purdy sold advertising inventory the company did not have to Outcome’s clients, then under-delivered (hứa nhiều làm ít) on its advertising campaigns. Despite these under-deliveries, the company still invoiced (tính hóa đơn) its clients as if it had delivered in full. Shah, Agarwal, and Purdy lied or caused others to lie to conceal (che giấu) the under-deliveries from clients and make it appear as if the company was delivering advertising content to the number of screens in the clients’ contracts. Purdy and others at Outcome also inflated (thổi phồng) metrics that purported to (nhằm) show how frequently patients engaged with Outcome’s tablets installed in doctors’ offices. According to the trial evidence (bằng chứng thử nghiệm), the scheme (kế hoạch) targeting Outcome’s clients began in 2011, lasted until 2017, and resulted in at least $45 million of overbilled (tính giá cao hơn) advertising services.

Shah, Agarwal, and Purdy were also convicted of (kết án) defrauding (lừa đảo) Outcome’s lenders and investors. The under-delivery to Outcome’s advertising clients resulted in a material overstatement (thổi phồng trọng yếu) of Outcome’s revenue (doanh thu) for the years 2015 and 2016. The company’s outside auditor (kiểm toán viên) signed off on the 2015 and 2016 revenue numbers because Purdy caused others to fabricate (làm giả) data to conceal the under-deliveries from the auditor. Shah, Agarwal, and Purdy then used the inflated revenue figures in Outcome’s 2015 and 2016 audited financial statements to raise $110 million in debt financing in April 2016, $375 million in debt financing in December 2016, and $487.5 million in equity financing in early 2017.

Shah, Agarwal, and Purdy lied to investors and lenders to conceal their ongoing under-delivery of advertising campaigns for clients. Shah and Purdy also misrepresented (bóp méo) to investors the efficacy (hiệu quả) of Outcome’s advertising campaigns by concealing the fact that it had failed to meet return-on-investment (tỷ suất hoàn vốn đầu tư) commitments (cam kết) to clients.  

The $110 million debt financing resulted in a $30.2 million dividend to Shah and a $7.5 million dividend to Agarwal; the $487.5 million in equity financing resulted in a $225 million dividend to Shah and Agarwal.

source: justice.gov,

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