Các nhà lãnh đạo toàn cầu cảnh báo A.I. có thể gây ra tác hại 'thảm khốc'

tại hội nghị thượng đỉnh ở Anh, 28 chính phủ, bao gồm cả Trung Quốc và Mỹ, ký tuyên bố hợp tác đánh giá rủi ro của trí tuệ nhân tạo...

In 1950, Alan Turing, the gifted (thiên tài) British mathematician (nhà toán học Anh) and code-breaker (người giải mã), published an academic paper. His aim, he wrote, was to consider the question, “Can machines think?”

The answer runs to almost 12,000 words. But it ends succinctly (ngắn gọn): “We can only see a short distance ahead,” Mr. Turing wrote, “but we can see plenty there that needs to be done.”

More than seven decades on, that sentiment (cảm nghĩ) sums up the mood of many policymakers, researchers and tech leaders attending Britain’s A.I. Safety Summit on Wednesday, which Prime Minister Rishi Sunak hopes will position the country as a leader in the global race (cuộc đua toàn cầu) to harness (tận dụng) and regulate (điều chỉnh) artificial intelligence (trí tuệ nhân tạo).

On Wednesday morning, his government released a document called the Bletchley Declaration (Tuyên bố), signed by representatives (đại diện) from the 28 countries attending the event, including the U.S. and China, which warned of the dangers posed by the most advanced “frontier” A.I. systems.

...Governments have scrambled (tranh giành) to address the risks posed by the fast-evolving technology since last year’s release of ChatGPT, a humanlike chatbot that demonstrated how the latest models are advancing in powerful and unpredictable (khôn lường) ways.

Future generations of A.I. systems could accelerate the diagnosis (chẩn đoán) of disease, help combat climate change and streamline (tinh gọn) manufacturing processes (quy trình sản xuất), but also present significant dangers in terms of job losses, disinformation (tin giả) and national security (an ninh quốc gia). A British government report last week warned that advanced A.I. systems “may help bad actors (kẻ xấu) perform cyberattacks, run disinformation campaigns and design biological or chemical weapons (thiết kế vũ khí sinh học và vũ khí hóa học).”

...The two-day summit in Britain is at Bletchley Park, a countryside estate 50 miles north of London, where Mr. Turing helped crack the Enigma code used by the Nazis during World War II. Considered one of the birthplaces of modern computing (nơi ra đời điện toán hiện đại), the location is a conscious nod (sự đồng ý) to the prime minister’s hopes that Britain could be at the center of another world-leading initiative.

source: nytimes, 

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