Nhà sáng lập Ozy Media, Carlos Watson, bị bắt vì tội lừa đảo

Watson thành lập Ozy -- công ty khởi nghiệp truyền thông kỹ thuật số hiện đang gặp khó khăn và các hoạt động kinh doanh của công ty này được tờ New York Times xem xét, làm rõ...

Mr. Watson, 53, “engaged in a scheme (kế hoạch, âm mưu) to defraud (lừa đảo) Ozy’s potential investors, potential acquirers (nhà thu mua), lenders and potential lenders” by misrepresenting (bóp méo) the company’s audience numbers and financial results (kết quả tài chính), prosecutors (công tố viên) for the Eastern District of New York said in a court document (hồ sơ tòa án) dated Wednesday.

He was arrested by the F.B.I. at a hotel in Midtown Manhattan early Thursday morning and arraigned in federal court in Brooklyn on Thursday afternoon. In addition to the fraud charges, prosecutors also charged him with aggravated identity theft (trộm cắp danh tính). He pleaded not guilty to all counts and was released after posting a $1 million bond.

Mr. Watson’s arrest came the same month as Samir Rao, 36, Ozy’s former chief operating officer, and Suzee Han, 29, Ozy’s former chief of staff, pleaded guilty to fraud charges, according to court documents.

...Ozy Media was started in 2013 and backed financially (hỗ trợ tài chính) by the German publishing giant (gã khổng lồ ngành xuất bản) Axel Springer, the Ford Foundation and the Emerson Collective, the organization founded by Laurene Powell Jobs, among others. It produced a website, videos posted to YouTube and podcasts that were aimed at young audiences. The company generated a mix of stories and videos that identified (xác định) up-and-coming leaders and important social causes (nguyên nhân xã hội quan trọng).

...In 2015, after raising $35 million from investors over three funding rounds, Ozy’s digital advertising business (hoạt động kinh doanh quảng cáo kỹ thuật số) “was not succeeding,” according to the prosecutors’ complaint (khiếu nại). That spurred the company to start a live-events business (kinh doanh sự kiện trực tiếp) called “Ozy Fest” and create television content (nội dung truyền hình).

But the live events and television businesses were expensive. By 2017, the company’s cash was beginning to run out. Beginning in 2018, it took on high-interest loans to survive, at times paying tens of thousands of dollars a day in interest. 

source: nytimes, 

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