Mệt mỏi vì định kiến giới, phụ nữ Trung Quốc chọn thi đấu quyền anh

phụ nữ Trung Quốc đang ngày càng tìm cách phá bỏ các chuẩn mực giới truyền thống. Nhiều người  bắt đầu hướng đến vóc dáng cơ bắp - và chọn học quyền anh.


Boxing has exploded in popularity (phổ biến mạnh mẽ) among Chinese women in recent years, as the country’s young females seek to break out of traditional gender norms (chuẩn mực giới truyền thống) and adopt a new doctrine (học thuyết) of female empowerment (sự trao quyền cho nữ giới).

Rather than trying to appear slender and elegant (mảnh mai và duyên dáng), women are increasingly posting videos of themselves pummeling (đấm đá) heavy bags and showing off their newly toned physiques to social media.

Many claim the sport has given them a new sense of confidence, helping them feel physically stronger and better able to defend themselves.

The trend has inspired a wave of mockery and criticism (làn sóng châm biếm và chỉ trích) from some conservative (bảo thủ) Chinese men. But women are pushing back strongly, with many embracing the label “female boxer” as a badge of honor.

...Now, Chinese women are muscling up like never before. According to Chinese e-commerce platform (sàn thương mại điện tử) JD.com, sales of “strength sports equipment” to female users skyrocketed (tăng vọt) 65% year-over-year in 2021.

On Xiaohongshu, China’s closest equivalent to (tương đương với) Instagram, the tag “muscular (nam tính) women” has received more than 140 million views, with most of the top posts featuring women flexing their biceps and sharing their workout routines.

source: Sixth Tone,

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