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The Bosses of the Senate is an American political cartoon (hoạt họa chính trị) by Joseph Keppler, published in the January 23, 1889, issue of Puck magazine.

The cartoon depicts (miêu tả) the United States Senate (thượng viện) as a body under the control of "captain of industry" robber barons (bá tước) representing trusts (tờ-rớt) in various industries (ngành công nghiệp), who are depicted as obese (béo phì), domineering (hống hách, hà hiếp), and powerful figures with swollen money bags (túi tiền căng phồng) for bodies, with their nature being juxtaposed (để cạnh nhau) with that of the senators (thượng nghị sĩ) of the 50th Congress, who Keppler implies (ám chỉ) are under the industrialists' control. The cartoon discusses with concern the rise of US industry in the post-Civil War Gilded Age, the expanding influence of monopolies and trusts, and the role of lobbying (vận động hành lang) in American politics. It is generally recognised as an early antitrust cartoon which had played a role in the development of the Sherman Antitrust Act.

According to the United States Senate, it is a "frequently reproduced cartoon, long a staple of textbooks and studies of Congress". NPR has called the cartoon "the defining image of late 19th-century Washington." Historian Josh Brown has stated that it "expresses general public discontent and concern about the growing impact and power of large businesses" and "their control over the political process".

Some contemporary commentators have asserted that such corporate interests still have immense power over lawmakers in modern-day America.

source: wikipedia,

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