Rùa biển ị ra nhựa trong 6 ngày liên tiếp đã được thả sau 18 tháng được chăm sóc


A Green Sea Turtle (rùa biển xanh) was released back (trả về) into the wild (tự nhiên) on December 4, after 18 months of intensive care (sự chăm sóc đặc biệt) at a wildlife hospital in Sydney, Australia.

Tama was first admitted to Taronga Wildlife Hospital as a hatchling (con rùa non) in 2022, when he was found lying on his back in a rockpool (hồ đá) at Tamarama Beach in Bondi, missing a flipper (chân rùa dùng để lội nước) and part of his shell (vỏ).

The turtle was also found to have a stomach (dạ dày) full of plastic (nhựa). Following admission, Tama continued to defecate (đại tiện) plastic for six days.

"The fact that he pooped plastic for six days is shocking,” Sarah said.

“That means that the food that he took in in the first couple of days that he was alive and out in the ocean (đại dương) was plastic. It was all different kinds of plastic; hard plastics (nhựa cứng), little bits of rope (những sợi dây nhỏ), line – and this guy fitted into the palm of my hand (lòng bàn tay). His whole body was full of it.

source: yahoo,

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