Vườn thú ở Nhật Bản có thể đã vô tình giết chết 75% số con sóc

những người bạn gặm nhấm của chúng ta đang dần lâm bệnh sau khi được uống thuốc chống ký sinh.
Inokashira Park Zoo in Tokyo, Japan, has launched an investigation (điều tra) after 31 of its 40 squirrels died over the course of a week, potentially (có khả năng) the result of an accidental (vô tình) poisoning.

According to a statement released by the zoo on December 11, keepers had given all 40 squirrels an anti-parasitic (chống ký sinh) medication on December 4, alongside spraying (phu khử khuẩn) the squirrel cages with insecticide, as part of its sanitary (làm sạch) measures.

It wasn’t long after the squirrels were returned to their cages, however, that one of the common Japanese squirrels fell ill and subsequently (sau đó) died. Over the course of the next week, several other squirrels followed, and by the morning of December 11, there had been a total of 31 recorded fatalities.

“We are currently investigating the cause of death and monitoring (theo dõi) the progress of the surviving individuals. We sincerely apologize for any concern this may cause,” said the zoo. “We will endeavor (nỗ lực) to determine the cause of death through pathological (bệnh lý) tests and other means, and will notify you as soon as the facts are known.” Specimens (mẫu vật) are being sent to external research institutions as part of the investigation.

source: iflscience

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