Giám đốc điều hành của công ty livestream hàng đầu Trung Quốc bị điều tra vì cờ bạc

trong khi cảnh sát tuyên bố Chen Shaojie, Giám đốc điều hành của Douyu, đã bị bắt vì tội mở sòng bạc, công ty niêm yết ở Mỹ đã cảnh báo các nhà đầu tư về hậu quả tiềm tàng.


Weeks after reports surfaced of his “disappearance,” Douyu, China’s top video game livestreaming platform  (nền tảng), has confirmed that CEO Chen Shaojie has been arrested (bị bắt giữ) on charges of gambling (cờ bạc), an activity prohibited (bị cấm) in the mainland.

A day after the company’s announcement (thông báo), the Dujiangyan Public Security Bureau in the southwestern Sichuan province stated Wednesday they had arrested a 39-year-old man surnamed Chen on charges of operating a casino on Nov. 16. Officials said investigations (cuộc điều tra) were ongoing. 

The Wuhan-based Douyu, which is backed by Chinese tech giant Tencent and listed on the Nasdaq, is the country’s top game livestreaming platform and also hosts other streaming content related to entertainment, sports, and variety shows. It was founded in 2014 and spun off from AcFun, a video platform similar to Bilibili, in 2010. 

While Douyu stated that the company is maintaining normal business operations (hoạt động kinh doanh) while ensuring it complies with (tuân thủ) regulatory requirements, it also warned investors that Chen’s arrest and subsequent legal proceedings (thủ tục pháp lý) might impact its “reputation (danh tiếng), business, and operation results.” On Thursday, Douyu did not respond to Sixth Tone’s request for further comment.

As of Wednesday, the US-listed company’s stock price dropped by 5.93% and closed at $0.91, less than one-tenth of its initial public offering (phát hành cổ phiếu lần đầu ra công chúng) of nearly $11 in 2019. As of March 31, 2022, Tencent owned 37.7% of Douyu’s stake, while Chen had 17%. 

source: Sixth Tone, 

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