Chuyên gia khuyến cáo về que năng lượng mũi lan tràn ở Trung Quốc

hiệp hội Người tiêu dùng Trung Quốc cảnh báo tình trạng số lượng học sinh sử dụng que năng lượng mũi gia tăng ở trường, nhấn mạnh rằng chúng có thể gây ra tác dụng phụ hoặc thậm chí lây lan vi khuẩn.


“Take one sniff (ngửi) before school and one after class.” That’s one of many slogans driving the growing popularity (độ phổ biến) of “nasal energy sticks” (que năng lượng mũi) among underage (vị thành niên) students in China in recent months. 

Marketed as a tool to help students stay awake (tỉnh táo) and alert (tập trung) during classes, this new trend has raised concerns among experts (chuyên gia) and authorities (chính quyền) about its potential health hazards (mối nguy hiểm sức khỏe tiềm tàng) and negative psychological implications (hệ quả tâm lý).

Resembling a lighter, the nasal energy stick comprises two rod-shaped plastic tubes (ống nhựa hình que) and is mostly available on e-commerce outlets. It is designed to give a jolt of energy when the user inhales (hút vào) a scent primarily composed of mint, borneol, camphor (long não), and plant essential oils (dầu thực vật). 

Priced between 10 and 30 yuan ($1.40-$3.20) online and available in multiple flavors (hương vị), it is marketed to students with slogans such as “a must-have for relieving drowsiness (buồn ngủ) in class.” While the origin of the product is unclear, items with similar functions — designed to clear the nose and refresh the mind — have been available for some time but have only become popular among students recently.

On Wednesday, the China Consumers Association issued a warning (khuyến cáo) urging parents and underage students to use nasal energy sticks with caution. The notice detailed that inserting these sticks into the nostrils (lỗ mũi) could introduce bacteria and harm the nasal mucosa (niêm mạc). It could also lead to mild conditions like rhinitis (viêm mũi) or, in severe cases, nasal ulcers (loét mũi) and bleeding.

source: Sixth Tone,

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