Lợn rừng trộm bia, say xỉn và tấn công một con bò ở Úc

sự việc kỳ lạ xảy ra gần một con sông tại vùng hoang dã hẻo lánh của Úc, sau khi một nhóm cắm trại đã để quên thùng bia của họ.
In a bizarre (kì lạ) and somewhat comical (hài hước) turn of events, a feral pig (lợn rừng) in the Australian outback stole 18 cans of beer from unsuspecting campers, leading to an inebriated (say sưa) rampage and an unlikely showdown (cuộc đối đầu) with a cow!
The peculiar incident (sự việc kì lạ) unfolded near a river in the remote Australian wilderness (vùng hoang dã, hẻo lánh), where a group of campers had left their stash of beer cans unattended (không có người trông). It appears that the scent (mùi hương) of the frothy beverages (đồ uống) was too tempting (hấp dẫn) for the pig to resist. With remarkable dexterity (khéo léo), it cracked open the cans and indulged in a drinking binge (chè chén say sưa), causing quite the ruckus (náo loạn, ầm ĩ).

One eyewitness (nhân chứng) described the surreal scene (cảnh tượng kì quái) as, “We were just enjoying our campfire when we heard some strange noises coming from the direction of our cooler. When we investigated, we were shocked to find a feral pig guzzling down our beers as if it were a seasoned partygoer (dân chơi dày dặn).”

As the inebriated pig navigated its way around the campsite, it encountered an unexpected adversary in the form of a seemingly docile (ngoan ngoãn) cow. The resulting encounter defied all expectations.

Witnesses recounted the perplexing (khó hiểu) scene, with one camper recalling, “There was some other people camped right on the river and they saw him running around their vehicle being chased by a cow.”

Thankfully, no animals were harmed during this peculiar confrontation (đối đầu) and eventually, the pig’s alcohol-fuelled bravado subsided and it retreated to nurse its hangover into the wilderness.

source: indianexpress,

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