Phần nào bị dùng quá nhiều thế :)

lực lượng chức năng 'thở phào nhẹ nhõm' khi tin báo có xác chết bị thủ tiêu trong rừng thực ra là búp bê tình dục bị...bạo hành.
They had closed off (chặn) a road for 31 hours as part of efforts to seal the ‘crime scene’ (hiện trường vụ án) in Kineton, Warwickshire, after a walker called in to say they had seen limbs (chân tay) sticking out from undergrowth.

But further inspection (điều tra), involving experts including a forensic pathologist, revealed the find was not as grisly (kinh khủng) as first feared.

‘It is with great relief that we can announce that the pathologist was able to identify (nhận dạng) that the foot and hand beneath the bush did in fact belong to a discarded (bị vứt bỏ) and realistic life-size doll,’ police said.

A local source told The Sun: ‘The police thought they had a murder investigation on their hands so called in a forensics (giám định pháp y) team.

‘When they finally dragged the ‘corpse’ out they realised the blunder. The officers had a big laugh about it. It was a very dirty, broken and overused sex doll.’

The Warwickshire Police spokesperson thanked the walker, whose call ‘was made in good faith’, along with ‘the local people for their patience while we investigated the matter’.

source: metro,

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