Cảnh sát ở British Columbia, Canada tìm kiếm tiếng thét bí ẩn - và phát hiện ra một con dê "buồn"

No ghouls (ma), just goats.

That's the final verdict (phán quyết, nhận định) from Quadra Island RCMP after officers responded last month to reports of someone screaming (la hét) near a ravine (khe núi).
As it turns out, what sounded like someone yelling in distress (gặp nạn) on Oct. 30 was actually a mama goat calling for her babies that had just been removed from her care — and not, in fact, someone who had fallen off a cliff (vách đá).

"Further investigation (điều tra) revealed (tiết lộ) that the 'help' heard was actually a sad goat from neighbouring (lân cận) goat farm," reads a statement from the local RCMP detachment.

Quadra is located in the Discovery Islands, a group of small islands on the Inside Passage between Vancouver Island and mainland British Columbia. Quadra Island is the largest in the archipelago (quần đảo) at about 310 square kilometres.

This week, the Mounties published a report detailing island incidents (sự cố) between Oct. 23 and Nov. 12 and debunked (làm sáng tỏ) any worry that phantoms (bóng ma) were to blame for the hijinks happening around Halloween.

RCMP say the complainant was hearing "unsettling" (đáng lo ngại) screams from bushes in the cemetery (nghĩa trang) and didn't know if someone was in pain. When officers arrived they found two people who said they were screaming because "one of them lost a scarf?" (The question mark was included in the police report.)

Despite it being Halloween, police said "there were no signs (dấu hiệu) of ghosts or ghouls."

source: cbc,

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