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khi cuộc sống của Chu Thành Quân không thể tồi tệ hơn nữa sau khi anh bị tai nạn xe máy, một đoạn video lan truyền về câu chuyện của anh đã khơi dậy làn sóng ủng hộ mạnh mẽ từ những người xa lạ trên toàn quốc.


At 1:43 a.m. on July 24 this year, a young man’s life took a fateful (định mệnh) turn as he tumbled off (ngã) his scooter while riding through a tunnel (đường hầm) in Yichang in the central Hubei province. In a city of nearly 4 million people, such accidents often slip into obscurity (phai mờ), but this time destiny (số phận) had other plans. This fall robbed Zou Chengjun, a skinny 33-year-old renovation (cải tạo) worker, of all his strength, leaving him to stagger back to (loạng choạng trở về) the small room he rented nearby.

Trying to sleep off the pain, Zou said to himself, “If I wake up tomorrow, then I’ll go to work. If I don’t, then so be it.” The crash had dealt him an orbital fracture (gãy xương hốc mắt), a broken jaw (gãy xương hàm), and a shattered kneecap (gãy xương bánh chè). Exacerbated (trầm trọng) by his blood clotting disorder (tình trạng rối loạn đông máu), he was also bleeding profusely (chảy máu rất nhiều).

As he drifted off, three men armed with flashlights were outside looking for him, tracing (theo dấu) the trail of blood (vết máu) he had unwittingly (ngẫu nhiên) left behind. The search party expanded, with many still inquiring about his well-being to this day. Thousands of strangers have reached out to him, hoping to help him get the medical treatment he so desperately needs.

source: Sixth Tone,

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