Công ty Pest Informer trả 2.500 USD để thả gián vào nhà bạn

công ty Pest Informer cho biết khi công nghệ tiến bộ, họ luôn tìm kiếm những cách mới nhất và tốt nhất để loại bỏ các loài gây hại, đặc biệt là gián.
Raleigh-based The Pest Informer said as technology advances (công nghệ tiến bộ), they are always looking for the newest and greatest ways to get rid of (loại bỏ) pests, specifically cockroaches (gián). That is why they said they are conducting (thực hiện) a study to test the effectiveness (tính hiệu quả) of a pest control technique (phương pháp kiểm soát loài gây hại) that uses American cockroaches.
As part of the study, they will offer (đề nghị) to pay one homeowner (chủ nhà) to release 100 roaches into their home while filming the process and testing (thử nghiệm) a specific cockroach treatment (điều trị).

If you want to participate in this study, you must either be the homeowner or have their written permission (cho phép bằng văn bản). You must be at least 21 years old and live in the continental U.S.

During the study, the company said all cockroach treatments will be safe (an toàn) for your family and pets and will last approximately 30 days.

If the cockroach infestation (phá hoại) is not eliminated (loại bỏ) by the end of the study, the company said they will provide free traditional treatment options.

source: foxweather,

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