Chính vì thế họ mới phát minh ra bánh pizza

dấu vết cần sa trong xương người cho thấy người Ý thế kỷ 17 là những người sử dụng cần sa để giải trí...
People have been consuming (tiêu thụ) weed (cần sa) for a very long time.

Ancient Greek historian Herodotus wrote about flowers with psychotropic effects (tác động tới tâm thần) in 440 BC, and medical records (hồ sơ y tế) from the Middle Ages in Europe show cannabis was widely administered to treat everything from gout (bệnh gút), urinary infections (nhiễm trùng tiết niệu) and birthing pains (đau khi sinh đẻ) to weight loss (giảm cân), as well as being used as an anesthetic (thuốc mê).
But in 1484, Pope Innocent VIII passed a bull, or decree, labelling cannabis an "unholy sacrament" (bí tích xấu xa) and banning (cấm) its use among the faithful. During the time of the Inquisition, medicinal and hallucinogenic (gây ảo giác) herbs were associated with magic and witchcraft (phù thủy).

For the centuries that followed, there has been no hard evidence of its use — that is, until now, with the discovery by a team of forensic scientists in Milan, Italy, of traces (dấu vết) of cannabis in the remains of two skeletons (bộ xương) from the 17th century.

The study was published in the December issue of the peer-reviewed Journal of Archaeological (khảo cổ học) Science.

In it, the team of scientists examined nine femoral bone (xương đùi) samples from people who lived in 1600s Milan and who were buried in the Ca' Granda Crypt, under a church annexed to the Ospedale Maggiore, the city's most important hospital for the poor at the time.

The goal of the study was to find traces of plants used for medical or recreational (giải trí) purposes in the general population. (It follows an earlier study by Giordano that found traces of opium (thuốc phiện) in cranial bones (xương sọ) and well-preserved brain tissue.)

The researchers say the finding not only suggests cannabis was consumed by all ages and genders (giới tính), but that it was used recreationally, most likely prepared in cakes and infusions (dịch truyền), 

Today in Italy, cannabis is legal (hợp pháp) for medical purposes, but opposition to it continues, with the present and the last Italian government pushing to include CBD, a non-psycho-active molecule, in the schedule of narcotic substances.

source: cbc,

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