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một kỹ sư của Tesla bị robot đánh dã man, máu bê bết tại nhà máy Giga Texas gần Austin...
A Tesla engineer was attacked by a robot during a brutal (nghiêm trọng) and bloody malfunction (sự cố đẫm máu) at the company's Giga Texas factory near Austin.

Two witnesses watched in horror (trong kinh hoàng) as their fellow employee was attacked by the machine designed to grab and move freshly cast aluminum (nhôm đúc) car parts.

The robot had pinned the man, who was then programming software for two disabled Tesla robots nearby, before sinking (nhấn, đào, bấu, cấu) its metal claws into the worker's back and arm, leaving a 'trail of blood' (vết máu) along the factory surface.

The incident (vụ việc) - which left the victim with an 'open wound' (vết thương hở) on his left hand - was revealed (tiết lộ) in a 2021 injury report (báo cáo thương tích) filed(nộp) to Travis county (quận) and federal regulators (cơ quan quản lý liên bang),

While no other robot-related (liên quan đến robot) injures were reported to regulators (cơ quan quản lý) by Tesla at the Texas factory in either 2021 or 2022, the incident comes amid (ở giữa, trong bối cảnh) years of heightened (nâng cao, tăng cao) concerns over the risks of automated robots in the workplace.

nguồn: dailymail,

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