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trò chơi oẳn tù tì là "màn dạo đầu tình dục" ở nhà thổ, sử gia ireland nói vậy...
Rock, Paper, Scissors — sex?

Whether (cho dù) duking it out over (tranh giành) who gets to ride the slide first on the playground or who gets the last slice of pizza on date night, the time-honored hand game of chance (trò chơi may rủi lâu đời) has always come in handy (có ích) when making some of everyday life’s most difficult decisions.

Heck (rất tiếc), it has even helped bikini-clad bombshells (cô gái hấp dẫn mặc bikini) wiggle out (thoát khỏi) of legal binds (ràng buộc pháp lý) with the police, and served as the sport of choice in friendly wagers (cá cược thân thiện) totaling more than $500,000.

However, the seemingly innocent battle of the brains between a pair of competitors — which typically sees each challenger flash either a closed fist (nắm đấm chặt tay) as a “rock,” a flat hand (xòe bàn tay) as “paper,” or their index and middle fingers as “scissors” in a best two-out-of-three match — is said to have begun as a form of foreplay in sex houses.

Childhood destroyed!

“So, ‘Rock, Paper, Scissors’ started as a sex game,” Ireland-based historian and podcaster Katie Charlwood revealed to her shocked TikTok audience of more than 354,000.

“Technically, it originally started out as a Sansukumi-Ken, which was a Chinese drinking game,” she continued. “But when the game traveled through Japan in the 17th and 18th centuries, it became incredibly popular in brothels (nhà thổ).”

And she’s not jerking her followers around.

nguồn: nypost,

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