Cứ Tiger bạc cho lành

công nhân đái vào bể chứa tại nhà máy bia Thanh Đảo, china...
Stomachs are churning (khuấy động) among Chinese beer lovers after a worker was caught peeing into a tank of ingredients at the nation’s Tsingtao beer factory in a disgusting video.

The clip, which went viral last Thursday on China’s microblogging (tiểu blog) site Weibo, shows a man in a uniform and a hard hat clambering into (trèo vào) a container believed to hold raw ingredients (nguyên liệu thô) for the beer and urinating (đi tiểu) inside.

Tsingtao Brewery (nhà máy bia), China’s second-largest beer producer, released a statement saying it was looking into (xem xét) the stomach-turning video (video gây đau bụng), which was filmed at its plant (nhà máy) in the city of Pingdu.

“Our company attaches high importance (coi trọng cao độ, rất coi trọng) to the relevant (liên quan) video that emerged from (nổi lên từ) Tsingtao Brewery No. 3 on October 19,” the beer manufacturer (nha máy, nhà hết tạo, sả xuất) stated (cho biết), “We reported the incident to the police at the earliest opportunity (thời gian sớm nhất, cơ hội sớm nhất), and public security agencies (cơ quan công an) are involved in (tham gia) the investigation (đội điều tra).”

nguồn: nypost,

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