Lý do nhiều sinh viên Trung Quốc chọn du học ở các nước Đông Nam Á

với quy định thị thực chặt chẽ hơn, căng thẳng địa chính trị gia tăng và chi phí tăng cao ở các nước phương Tây, bên cạnh sự cạnh tranh gay gắt và áp lực trong nước, nhiều sinh viên Trung Quốc đang hướng đến những quốc gia thân thiện hơn ở Đông Nam Á.


...A wider trend takes root (bén rễ) across China, where an increasing number of students are turning their gaze (chuyển hướng) towards Southeast Asia, particularly Malaysia, Thailand, and Singapore.

For instance, in Thailand, Chinese students comprised the majority (đa số) of international students in 2022, with 21,419 enrollments (tuyển sinh), a 130% increase from 9,329 in 2012. Popular fields of study include business administration (quản trị), law, the arts, humanities (nhân văn), and education.

Similarly, China emerged as the top sender of international students to Malaysia and Singapore. In the second quarter of 2023 alone, Malaysia saw an influx (số lượng lớn) of students from China, with 4,700 new applications, marking an 18% increase from the previous year. And as of June 2023, Singapore was home to approximately 73,200 international students, with Chinese students making up about half.

While countries such as the U.S., the U.K., and Canada remain the most popular choices for Chinese students seeking overseas education, increased visa restrictions (hạn chế thị thực), escalating geopolitical tensions (căng thẳng địa chính trị leo thang), and higher costs of education and living are pushing many to reconsider.

...On Chinese social media, for instance, some refer to the education experience in these countries as shui shuo or shui bo, which translates to “watery master’s” or “watery doctorate degrees” in English, implying that these degrees are perceived as holding less value than those from Western countries.

Despite such perceptions (quan điểm), students say they place more value on their overseas learning experience than the school’s reputation (danh tiếng). “No matter which country you go to, it’s still an opportunity to experience the outside world,” says Chang.

source: Sixth Tone, 

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