Đừng coi chúng tôi như chó
nghiên cứu mới cho thấy mèo không thích chúng ta như chúng ta tưởng...
Cat owners may enjoy doting on their feline companions (bạn mèo), but is this love reciprocated (tình yêu được đáp lại) — or do cats actually dislike us? Unlike dogs which love us unconditionally (vô điều kiện), cats are often accused of using us to fulfill their needs (đáp ứng nhu cầu) and wouldn't care if we lived or died. But is this aloof (xa cách) and calculating (tính toán) stereotype fair?
There is some truth in the accusations (lời buộc tội), as numerous studies have found evidence that cats (Felis catus) don't love us back in the same way dogs do, and will make us work for their affections. They do, however, appear to like us at least a little.
In a 2015 study conducted for the BBC documentary "Cats v Dogs," neuroscientists (nhà thần kinh học) sampled the saliva (nước bọt) of 10 cats and dogs and found oxytocin hormone levels (nồng độ hormone oxytocin) increased in both cats and dogs after being stroked (vuốt ve). However, the amount of oxytocin, a love hormone used in social bonds (mối quan hệ xã hội), was much higher in dogs, increasing on average by 57.2% compared with just 12% in cats.
source: livescience,
Tags: scienceThanh Thanh
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