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theo thực đơn mới, nhà hàng ở miền bắc Georgia tính tiền khách hàng nếu con cái hư...
A restaurant in northern (miền bắc) Georgia is charging (tính tiền) customers for bad parenting (cách nuôi dạy con cái không tốt), according to their menu.
The bottom of Toccoa Riverside Restaurant’s menu includes a surcharge (khoản phụ phí) "for adults unable to parent.” The warning goes on to say “no respect, no service.”
The Blue Ridge restaurant has garnered (thu được) quite a few online reviews, some of which include parents writing about being charged extra for their misbehaving kids.
In a Google review posted last week, one parent said $50 was added to his bill because of his children’s behavior.
“My kids watched a tablet until the food arrived, ate their food and my wife took them outside while I waited and paid the bill,” the review said.
Another review, also published last week, includes Lyndsey Landmann telling others to avoid the restaurant “at all costs.”
“Holy moly - the most disrespectful owner made a huge scene in front of the entire restaurant because our children were 'running through the restaurant' - they were down by the river,” the review said. "They have a $50 surcharge for 'bad children.'"
nguồn: nbcmiami,
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